Here are the steps to integrate Discourse & map category to channels with Doc-E slackbot:
Step 1. Build a new community on Discourse.
Step 2. Go to the left side and click on 'Admin'. You'll find the 'Advanced' button. After clicking there, you will see the 'API keys' option.
Step 3. Click on 'Webhooks'. You will see the 'New Webhook' option."
Step 4. Paste “Payload URL” in box as
Step 5. Tick all the “Topic Events”.
Step 6. Tick all “Category Events” and “Tag Events”.
Step 7. Scroll down the page and Tick on “Active” Button, webhooks created.
Step 8. Click on 'New API Key', fill in all the descriptions in the boxes, and save."
Step 9. A new API key has been generated. Copy this key and save it to continue.
Step 10. Type command /discourse2slack with <discourse-URL> and the <API-KEY>.
Step 11. A message for successful link is showing with available discourse categories.
Step 12. Then type command category2channel with <channel-name> and <category-name> in slack channel to set category with channel.
Step 13. A message set category for channel is showing.
Now asked questions in discourse category is reflecting to the slack channel.
How to deployDoc-E on all public channel?
How todeploy Doc-E in individual public channel?